
Services Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah.
In Nebraska, services:
Banner | Deuel | Scotts Bluff |
Box Butte | Garden | Sheridan |
Cheyenne | Kimball | Sioux Counties |
Dawes | Morrill |
In Idaho, services:
Ada | Caribou | Minidoka |
Bannock | Cassia | Oneida |
Bear Lake | Elmore | Owyhee |
Bingham | Franklin | Payette |
Blaine | Gem | Power |
Boise | Gooding | Teton |
Bonneville | Jefferson | Twin Falls |
Butte | Jerome | Washington Counties |
Camas | Lincoln | |
Canyon | Madison |
In Montana, services:
Big Horn | Golden Valley | Roosevelt |
Blaine | Hill | Rosebud |
Carbon | Judith Basin | Sheridan |
Carter | McCone | Stillwater |
Chouteau | Musselshell | Sweet Grass |
Custer | Park | Treasure |
Daniels | Petroleum | Valley |
Dawson | Phillips | Wheatland |
Fallon | Powder River | Wilbaux |
Fergus | Prairie | Yellowstone Counties |
Garfield | Richland |
Establecida en 1935, la Junta Nacional de Relaciones del Trabajo es una agencia federal independiente que protege a los empleados, empleadores y uniones de prácticas laborales injustas y protege el derecho de los empleados del sector privado a unirse, con o sin unión, para mejorar salarios, beneficios y las condiciones de trabajo. La NLRB lleva a cabo cientos de elecciones en el lugar de trabajo e investiga miles de cargos por prácticas laborales injustas cada año. La Región 27 atiende áreas en Colorado, Idaho, Montana y Nebraska desde su Oficina Regional en Denver.
Región 27 - Denver
Welcome to Region 27 of the National Labor Relations Board. We conduct elections, investigate charges of unfair labor practices, and protect the rights of workers to act together, serving the states of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and parts of Montana, Idaho, and Nebraska from our regional office in Denver. If you have questions or wish to file a charge or petition for election, please visit our office or call and ask for the Information Officer on duty. We can arrange to have someone speak with you in the language of your choice.
Oficina Regional 27 - Denver, CO
Byron Rogers Federal Office Building
1961 Stout Street, Suite 13-103
Denver, CO 80294
Estados Unidos