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FOIA E-Library

The FOIA E-Library is a collection of National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) materials that are frequently requested or are of broad general interest to the public. Subsection (a)(2) of the FOIA requires agencies to proactively make available to the public non-exempt information from certain categories of records without waiting for a specific request to be received. These categories are:

  • Final agency opinions and orders rendered in the adjudication of cases,
  • Specific policy statements that are not published in the Federal Register,
  • Administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect a member of the public, and
  • Records that have become or are likely to become the subject of subsequent requests or those records that have been requested three or more times – commonly referred to as frequently requested records.

It is highly likely that information you seek is readily available on the NLRB web site. Before making a FOIA request, please visit the below links.

  • Final Agency Opinions and Orders

    • Advice Memoranda. This page contains Division of Advice memoranda directing that unfair labor practice charges be dismissed, pursuant to NLRB v. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 421 U.S. 132 (1975).
    • Decisions and Orders of the NLRB. A searchable index of all Board Decisions issued.
    • Administrative Law Judge Decisions. A searchable index of ALJ Decisions issued.
    • Regional Election Decisions. A searchable index of 1) Decisions and Directions of Elections (D&DEs) - the Regional Director concludes that the prerequisites to an election have been satisfied and directs that an election be conducted, 2) Decisions and Orders (D&Os) - the Regional Director determines that an election should not be conducted and the petition is dismissed. 3) Regional Director Supplemental Decision on Objections and Challenges - a post-election decision resolving objections and/or challenges with or without a post-election hearing.
  • Specific Policy Statements

  • Administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff

    • Manuals. This page contains NLRB casehandling manuals and other materials regarding NLRB case procedures and FOIA requests maintained by the NLRB.
  • Frequently Requested Records.

    • Cases and Organizations of Interest. This page links to the case pages of NLRB cases that are great public interest.
    • Case Search. From here, you can conduct a search for an NLRB case using the case number or name. Clicking on the resulting case number or name takes you to its case page.
    • NLRB Case File Search. The page contains links to case pages for all cases maintained in the Agency’s casehandling system. Data on these cases can be downloaded in CSV and XML format. Representation Cases listed in the search results will also include the number of employees in the bargaining unit and the unit description.
    • Tally of Ballots Search. This page contains data on cases in which a tally of ballots was issued.
    • NLRB data for unfair labor practice cases ("C cases") and representation cases ("R cases") filed from October 10, 1999 through December 2, 2009 from the NLRB’s legacy system, Case Activity Tracking System (CATS) are available through the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
  • Other Proactive Disclosed NLRB Records

    • Reports. The Agency makes many reports available to the public, containing various types of information related to casehandling, the Agency’s performance, the FOIA, and Office of the Inspector General.
    • Performance and Accountability Reports (PARs). The PAR presents the NLRB’s audited financial statements, and sets forth the Agency’s performance against its major objectives. Additionally, it addresses goals, metrics, and performance, as required by the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993.
    • Election Reports. These reports list all elections conducted in the NLRB’s regions. Elections are counted in the month in which the outcome is certified.
    • Annual Reports. As of FY2009, the Agency ceased producing Annual Reports, which are available at this link. Financial and performance data are now available in the annual Performance and Accountability Reports (PAR's). Statistical information is now available on the NLRB website’s Graphs and Data section.