Office of Public Affairs
The relationship between the NLRB, Regions 2, 22, and 29 with the Consulate General of México in New York was re-established and renewed at a ceremony on September 29, 2021 marking the signing of the Letters of Arrangement formalizing the relationship. These Agreements mark the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship which will involve outreach and educational events conducted by regional personnel and held with both the Consulate staff and the Mexican population they serve. Attending the event for the NLRB was John Walsh, Regional Director of Region 2, Eric Schechter, Acting Director of Region 22 and Teresa Poor, Assistant Director of Region 29. Regional Director Walsh gave extended remarks highlighting the importance of the occasion and the need to connect with immigrant populations so they know their rights. He also highlighted certain unfair labor practice cases where the Regions have successfully prosecuted unfair labor practices to the benefit of immigrant communities. Representing the Consulate was Consul General Dr. Jorge Islas Lopez and Vanessa Ortega, Consul Proteccion. Consul General Lopez made remarks showing his appreciation for labor rights in the United States and the work of the government employees who are charged with their enforcement, the ‘dignity fighters’. Mr. Lopez was excited at the prospect of partnering with the Regions to educate the Mexican workers, their employers, and Mexican nationals who own businesses in the United States, about their rights. Both the Consulate General and Regions 2, 22, and 29 look forward to deepening their relationship in furtherance of promoting workplace rights.
Established in 1935, the National Labor Relations Board is an independent federal agency that protects employees, employers, and unions from unfair labor practices and protects the right of private sector employees to join together, with or without a union, to improve wages, benefits and working conditions. The NLRB conducts hundreds of workplace elections and investigates thousands of unfair labor practice charges each year. Region 2 serves areas in New York from its Regional Office in New York City.