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Careers at NLRB

Careers at NLRB


The National Labor Relations Board offers career opportunities that feature competitive starting salaries and the potential for performance-based increases, flexible hours, and the ability to achieve and maintain a balanced lifestyle. You will enjoy a range of comprehensive and competitive employment benefits that include:

Health Benefits, Insurance, and Retirement


The Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program can help you and your families meet health care needs. Federal employees, retirees and their survivors enjoy the widest selection of health plans in the country.

Dental and Vision

Dental and vision benefits are available to eligible federal employees, retirees, and their eligible family members on an enrollee-pay-all basis. The Federal Employees Dental/Vision (FEDVIP) Program allows dental insurance and vision insurance to be purchased on a group basis, which means competitive premiums (withheld on a pre-tax basis) and no pre-existing condition limitations.

Flexible Spending Accounts

The Federal Flexible Spending Account Program (FSAFEDS) is a savings account that helps you pay for items that typically are not covered (for out-of-pocket medical or dependent care expenses).

Life Insurance

The Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) provides group term life insurance, which consists of Basic life insurance coverage and three additional options. In most cases, if you are a new Federal employee, you are automatically covered by Basic life insurance and your payroll office deducts premiums from your paycheck unless you waive the coverage.

Long-Term Care Insurance

The Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program provides an important benefit that can help pay long-term care expenses you may incur in the future.

Thrift Savings Plan

The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a tax-deferred retirement savings and investment plan and is similar to a 401(k). By participating in the TSP, federal employees have the opportunity to save part of their income for retirement, receive matching agency contributions, and reduce their current taxes.

Pension Plan

It’s never too late to plan for retirement and it’s never too early to learn about your retirement options.

Pay, Vacation, and Leave

Pay Tables

Find information on pay tables, including locality pay.

Personal Leave Days for Vacation, Illness, and Family Care

Find information about personal leave, including annual leave, sick leave, Family and Medical Leave Act, military leave, time off for special circumstances and more.

Paid Federal Holidays

There are typically 11 public holidays observed each year.

Work Schedules and Work/Life Balance

Alternative Work Schedule

You may be able to follow alternative work schedules (AWS) instead of traditional fixed work schedules (e.g., 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week), which can enable employees to have work schedules that help the employee balance work and family or personal responsibilities.


Consistent with work requirements, NLRB offers employees opportunities to perform work from an alternate location (e.g., home) other than their traditional office or location where work is typically performed.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) provides services designed to help employees, managers, and organizations meet life challenges and remain healthy, engaged, and productive. NLRB’s (EAP), is a free, confidential and professionally staffed service - which is available to help employees resolve personal problems that may adversely impact their job performance, attendance, and/or conduct. Such personal problems may include emotional, alcohol and drug-related, family and relationship, and/or financial issues. The EAP can help by providing high-quality problem assessment, short-term counseling and/or referral to appropriate community treatment resources, and follow-up (the cost of care by a community treatment resource is the employee's responsibility).

Dependent Care - Child Care, Elder Care, and Special Needs

NLRB is a supporter of employees with dependent care needs and offers various service and programs to support childcare needs of NLRB employees.

  • Child Care Subsidy Program – In keeping with NLRB's commitment to foster a quality work place for all its employees, NLRB provides a child care subsidy to NLRB families to assist them in their efforts to obtain quality, licensed day care for dependent children through the age of 13 and disabled children through the age of 18.

Additional Benefits

Other benefits that may be available include:

  • Transportation subsidies – NLRB provides a transit subsidy to NLRB employees to encourage the use of public transportation.
  • Pre-Tax Parking – Employees can reduce their taxable income by the amount they actually pay for ‘qualified parking expenses’ (up to IRS maximum). Qualified parking is defined as ‘parking near or at the employees’ place of business or parking located near or at a place from which employees commute to work by mass transit, commuter highway vehicles, vanpools or carpools.
  • Bicycle Commuting Reimbursement Subsidy – NLRB provides a reimbursement to defray some of the cost a bicycle commuter may incur. Eligible employees may be reimbursed up to the IRS maximum, toward qualified bicycle commuting expenses. Employees are eligible if they use a non-motorized bicycle for a substantial (50% or greater) portion to travel between their residence and worksite in a given month.
  • Fitness centers – Fitness is an important part of staying healthy and productive at work and at home. There is a fitness center located within headquarters and within some regional offices.
  • College Cost Reduction Access Act of 2007
    The College Cost Reduction Access Act of 2007 provides for loan forgiveness for federal government employees after they have made 10 years of monthly payments (since October 1, 2007) while employed by the government.
  • Additional NLRB Leave Programs
    • Leave Bank Program – The Leave Bank is a pooled fund of donated annual leave. This pooled leave is then available for use by Bank members who need such leave because of a medical emergency. The Leave Bank Program permits NLRB employees to join a bank and donate one pay periods leave accrual in order to apply for leave in the event of a medical emergency.
    • Voluntary Leave Transfer Program – The Voluntary Leave Transfer Program permits NLRB employees to donate annual leave to other specifically identified employees who need such leave because of a medical emergency.

Benefits information is also available on individual job postings