Eric M. Fine
Judge Fine was appointed in March of 1999. He previously worked for 18 years (1979–1997) as an NLRB trial attorney, trial specialist, and supervisor in the Baltimore Regional Office, during which period he also spent time in Operations Management. Before that he worked for 2 years at the NLRB headquarters in the General Counsel’s Office of Appeals (1977–1979). He was the General Counsel's lead counsel in the National Football League case, an approximately 100 day trial resulting from the 1987 players strike. The trial brought about a positive decision from the Board and thereafter resulted in a $30 million settlement in 1994, during which negotiations Judge Fine also served as lead person for the General Counsel. He is an honors graduate of the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations (B.A., 1973), and received his law degree from George Washington University (J.D., 1976). He was an SSA judge before transferring to the NLRB Judges Division.