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Case Search Results


Cornell University

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Case Number: 03-RM-326996

Date Filed: 10/02/2023

Status: Closed

No. of Employees: 3000

Location: Ithaca, NY

Region Assigned: Region 03, Buffalo, New York

Unit Description: Included: Graduate students enrolled in a Cornell University PhD and Masters degree programs at the Ithaca, Cornell Tech (Roosevelt Island) or Geneva campuses who hold the title of teaching assistants, research assistants, graduate assistants or graduate research assistants. Excluded: All other graduate students (including but not limited to students enrolled in a professional school); undergraduate students; graduate teaching specialists; graduate research specialists; fellows; all students at all other campuses (including but not limited to Doha, Washington, D.C., and Rome); graduate students not seeking Cornell degrees, including visiting students; office clericals; professional employees; managers; guards and supervisors as defined in the Act; and all other employees.

Docket Activity

Date sort ascending Document Issued/Filed By
11/20/2023 Certification of Representative NLRB - GC
11/09/2023 Tally of Ballots* NLRB - GC
10/24/2023 Notice of Election* NLRB - GC
10/24/2023 Stipulated Election Agreement* NLRB - GC
10/06/2023 RD Order to Reschedule Hearing* NLRB - GC
10/04/2023 RD Order to Reschedule Hearing* NLRB - GC
09/29/2023 Signed RM Petition* Petitioner

The Docket Activity list does not reflect all actions in this case.

* This document may require redactions before it can be viewed. To obtain a copy, please file a request through our FOIA Branch.

Related Documents

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Allegations data is not available.


Participant Address Phone
Involved Party
Legal Representative
Nikitas, Margot
United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE)
4 Smithfield Street
9th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA
Legal Representative
Proskauer Rose LLP
New York, NY
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
Involved Party
United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE), Local 1004
Pittsburgh, PA

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