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Goucher College

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Case Number: 05-RC-139478

Date Filed: 10/24/2014

Status: Closed

Location: Baltimore, MD

Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland

Tally Issued Date:08/18/2016


No. of Eligible Voters:99

Void Ballots:3

Total Ballots Counted:76

Challenged Ballots:2

Votes for Labor Union:40

Tally Type:Initial

Ballot Type:Revised Single Labor Org

Unit ID:A

Votes Against:36

Challenges Determinative:No

Reason Closed:Certific. of Representative

Labor Union:Service Employees International Union, Local 500 (SEIU Local 500)

Voting Unit (Unit A):All full-time, part-time and half-time, non-tenure and non-tenure track faculty employed by Goucher College to teach at least one credit bearing classes, lessons or labs (including but not limited to Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellows) on its campus located at 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21204; but excluding all graduate and post graduate faculty and teaching fellows, all faculty in the Welch Graduate Studies Center, all tenure and tenure track faculty, all other employees whether or not they have teaching responsibilities, including but not limited to program directors, department chairs, graduate students, teaching associates, teaching assistants, librarians, registrars, deans, provosts, administrators, coaches, office clerical employees, managers, confidential employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.

Union to Certify:Service Employees International Union, Local 500 (SEIU Local 500)

Tally Issued Date:12/09/2014


No. of Eligible Voters:99

Void Ballots:3

Total Ballots Counted:66

Challenged Ballots:12

Votes for Labor Union:33

Tally Type:Initial

Ballot Type:Single Labor Organization

Unit ID:A

Votes Against:33

Challenges Determinative:No

Reason Closed:Certific. of Representative

Labor Union:Service Employees International Union, Local 500 (SEIU Local 500)

Voting Unit (Unit A):All full-time, part-time and half-time, non-tenure and non-tenure track faculty employed by Goucher College to teach at least one credit bearing classes, lessons or labs (including but not limited to Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellows) on its campus located at 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21204; but excluding all graduate and post graduate faculty and teaching fellows, all faculty in the Welch Graduate Studies Center, all tenure and tenure track faculty, all other employees whether or not they have teaching responsibilities, including but not limited to program directors, department chairs, graduate students, teaching associates, teaching assistants, librarians, registrars, deans, provosts, administrators, coaches, office clerical employees, managers, confidential employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.

Docket Activity

Date sort ascending Document Issued/Filed By
08/26/2016 Certification of Representative* NLRB - GC
08/18/2016 Tally of Ballots* NLRB - GC
08/11/2016 Board Decision NLRB - Board
02/17/2015 Opposition to R Case Exceptions Petitioner
02/10/2015 Brief in Support of Exceptions Employer
02/10/2015 Exceptions to HOR Employer
01/27/2015 Hearing Officers Report--Post-Election* NLRB - GC
01/13/2015 Post-Hearing Brief to ALJ Petitioner
01/13/2015 Post-Hearing Brief to HO Employer
12/09/2014 Tally of Ballots* NLRB - GC

The Docket Activity list does not reflect all actions in this case.

* This document may require redactions before it can be viewed. To obtain a copy, please file a request through our FOIA Branch.

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Participant Address Phone
Legal Representative
Cannon, Louis
Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
2800 Quarry Lake Drive Suite 200
Baltimore, MD
Legal Representative
Silvestri, Stephen
Jackson Lewis P.C.
2800 Quarry Lake Drive Suite 200
Baltimore, MD
Legal Representative
Schwartz, Steve
Service Employees International Union, Local 500, a/w Service Employees International Union, CTW, CLC
901 Russell Avenue, Suite 300
Gaithersburg, MD
Goucher College
Baltimore, MD
Service Employees International Union, Local 500 (SEIU Local 500)
Gaithersburg, MD

Related Cases

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