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Certified Building Services, Inc.

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Case Number: 05-RC-177566

Date Filed: 06/03/2016

Status: Closed

Location: Rockville, MD

Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland

Tally Issued Date:09/23/2016


No. of Eligible Voters:107

Void Ballots:10

Total Ballots Counted:76

Challenged Ballots:3

Votes for Labor Union:33

Tally Type:Initial

Ballot Type:Revised Single Labor Org

Unit ID:A

Votes Against:43

Challenges Determinative:No

Reason Closed:Certification of Results

Labor Union:United Food and Commercial Workers Union, MCGEO Local 1994

Voting Unit (Unit A):All full-time and regular part-time cleaning and janitorial employees, employed by the Employer, under contract with Montgomery County; excluding administrative personnel, owners, office clerical employees, managerial employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act.

Tally Issued Date:08/03/2016


No. of Eligible Voters:107

Void Ballots:10

Total Ballots Counted:70

Challenged Ballots:9

Votes for Labor Union:32

Tally Type:Initial

Ballot Type:Revised Single Labor Org

Unit ID:A

Votes Against:38

Challenges Determinative:Yes

Reason Closed:Certification of Results

Labor Union:United Food and Commercial Workers Union, MCGEO Local 1994

Voting Unit (Unit A):All full-time and regular part-time cleaning and janitorial employees, employed by the Employer, under contract with Montgomery County; excluding administrative personnel, owners, office clerical employees, managerial employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act.

Tally Issued Date:08/01/2016


No. of Eligible Voters:107

Void Ballots:10

Total Ballots Counted:70

Challenged Ballots:9

Votes for Labor Union:32

Tally Type:Initial

Ballot Type:Single Labor Organization

Unit ID:A

Votes Against:38

Challenges Determinative:Yes

Reason Closed:Certification of Results

Labor Union:United Food and Commercial Workers Union, MCGEO Local 1994

Voting Unit (Unit A):All full-time and regular part-time cleaning and janitorial employees, employed by the Employer, under contract with Montgomery County; excluding administrative personnel, owners, office clerical employees, managerial employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act.

Docket Activity

Date sort ascending Document Issued/Filed By
10/03/2016 Tally of Ballots* NLRB - GC
09/23/2016 Tally of Ballots* NLRB - GC
08/08/2016 Objections to an Election* Petitioner
08/03/2016 Tally of Ballots* NLRB - GC
08/03/2016 Tally of Ballots* NLRB - GC
07/21/2016 Notice of Election NLRB - GC
07/21/2016 Notice of Election NLRB - GC
06/27/2016 Decision and Direction of Election NLRB - GC
06/10/2016 RD Order to Reschedule Hearing* NLRB - GC
06/03/2016 Signed RC Petition* NLRB - GC

The Docket Activity list does not reflect all actions in this case.

* This document may require redactions before it can be viewed. To obtain a copy, please file a request through our FOIA Branch.

Related Documents

Related Documents data is not available.


Allegations data is not available.


Participant Address Phone
Legal Representative
Butsavage, Carey
Butsavage and Associates, P.C.
1920 L Street, N.W., Suite 301
Washington, DC
Legal Representative
Baskin, Maurice
Littler Mendelson, PC
815 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Suite 400
Washington, DC
Certified Building Services, Inc.
Rockville, MD
United Food and Commercial Workers Union, MCGEO Local 1994
Gaithersburg, MD

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