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George Washington University (GW Museum and Textile Museum)

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Case Number: 05-RC-323910

Date Filed: 08/16/2023

Status: Closed

Location: Washington, DC

Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland

Tally Issued Date:09/12/2023


No. of Eligible Voters:13

Void Ballots:0

Total Ballots Counted:8

Challenged Ballots:1

Votes for Labor Union:8

Tally Type:Initial

Ballot Type:Single Labor Organization

Unit ID:A

Votes Against:0

Challenges Determinative:No

Reason Closed:Certific. of Representative

Labor Union:Service Employees International Union, Local 500 a/w Service Employees International Union, CTW, CLC

Voting Unit (Unit A):Included: All full-time and regular part-time employees with the following job classifications at the GW Museum and Textile Museum: Associate Conservator; Programs Associate (Museum Collections); Curatorial Assistant; Exhibition Coordinator; Senior Exhibition Coordinator; Curator; Exhibition Production Manager; Visitor Experience Specialist; Photographer (Museum Collections); Collections Specialist, Office Assistant (Museum Visitor Experience) and Studio Technician. Excluded: All other employees, managerial employees, confidential employees, guards, and supervisors as defined by the Act. However, the Senior Library Associate is neither included in, nor excluded from, the bargaining unit covered by this certification, inasmuch as the parties did not agree on the inclusion or exclusion of this classification but agreed to vote them subject to challenge and resolution of their inclusion or exclusion was unnecessary because, in the circumstances of this case, their ballots were not determinative of the election results.

Union to Certify:Service Employees International Union, Local 500 a/w Service Employees International Union, CTW, CLC

Docket Activity

Date sort ascending Document Issued/Filed By
09/20/2023 Certification of Representative NLRB - GC
08/30/2023 Notice of Election NLRB - GC
08/30/2023 Stipulated Election Agreement* NLRB - Board
08/16/2023 Signed RC Petition* Petitioner

The Docket Activity list does not reflect all actions in this case.

* This document may require redactions before it can be viewed. To obtain a copy, please file a request through our FOIA Branch.

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Participant Address Phone
Legal Representative
Bellotti, Adam
Bredhoff & Kaiser PLLC
805 Fifteenth Street N.W., Suite 1000
Washington, DC
Additional Service
Wetenhall, John
George Washington University (GW Museum and Textile Museum)
44930 Knoll Square
Ashburn, VA
Legal Representative
Segal, Joshua
Bredhoff & Kaiser, PLLC
805 15th St. NW
10th floor
Washington, DC
Legal Representative
Dante, Meredith
Ballard Spahr, LLP
1735 Market Street, 51st Floor
Philadelphia, PA
George Washington University (GW Museum and Textile Museum)
Washington, DC
Service Employees International Union, Local 500
Gaithersburg, MD

Related Cases

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