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Case Number: 09-RC-359667

Date Filed: 02/04/2025

Status: Open

Location: Athens, OH

Region Assigned: Region 09, Cincinnati, Ohio

Tally Issued Date:02/26/2025


No. of Eligible Voters:4

Void Ballots:0

Total Ballots Counted:4

Challenged Ballots:0

Votes for Labor Union:4

Ballot Type:Single Labor Organization

Unit ID:A

Votes Against:0

Challenges Determinative:No

Labor Union:Ohio Council 8, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO

Voting Unit (Unit A):VOTING GROUP – (PROFESSIONAL UNIT) Voting Group (Professional Unit): Crisis Intervention Pre-Screeners; excluding team leads, all other employees, and all office clerical employees, guards and supervisors as defined by the Act. If a majority of the professional employees voting in the Unit vote “Yes” to the first question, indicating their desire to be included in a unit with non-professional employees, they will be so included, and their votes on the second question will be counted to determine whether they chose to be represented in the previously certified unit. If a majority of valid ballots are cast for Ohio Council 8, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, they will be taken to have indicated the employees’ desire to be included in the existing: All full-time and regular part-time Therapists, CPST Providers and Peer Supports Specialists, employed by the Employer at its 90 Hospital Drive, Athens, Ohio facility; excluding team leads, office clerical employees, guards and supervisors as defined by the Act and all other employees, unit currently represented by the Ohio Council 8, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO. If a majority of valid ballots are not cast for representation, they will be taken to have indicated the employees’ desire to remain unrepresented. COMBINED UNIT: All full-time and regular part-time Therapists, Crisis Intervention Pre-Screeners, CPST Providers and Peer Supports Specialists, employed by the Employer at its 90 Hospital Drive, Athens, Ohio facility; excluding all other employees, team leads, and office clerical employees, guards, and supervisors as defined by the Act.

Union to Certify:Ohio Council 8, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO

Docket Activity

Date sort ascending Document Issued/Filed By
02/14/2025 Notice of Election NLRB - GC
02/11/2025 Stipulated Election Agreement* NLRB - GC
02/04/2025 Signed RC Petition* Petitioner

The Docket Activity list does not reflect all actions in this case.

* This document may require redactions before it can be viewed. To obtain a copy, please file a request through our FOIA Branch.

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Participant Address Phone
Legal Representative
Hawkins, Michael
Dinsmore & Shohl, L.L.P.
255 East 5th Street, Suite 1900
Cincinnati, OH
Hopewell Health Centers, Inc.
Athens, OH
Ohio Council 8, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
Worthington, OH

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