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Lathrop Logistics LLC

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Case Number: 32-RC-352236

Date Filed: 10/07/2024

Status: Closed

Location: Lathrop, CA

Region Assigned: Region 32, Oakland, California

Tally Issued Date:11/26/2024


No. of Eligible Voters:212

Void Ballots:0

Total Ballots Counted:198

Challenged Ballots:1

Votes for Labor Union:89

Tally Type:Initial

Ballot Type:Single Labor Organization

Unit ID:A

Votes Against:109

Challenges Determinative:No

Reason Closed:Certification of Results

Labor Union:Teamsters Local 439

Voting Unit (Unit A):All full-time and regular part-time warehouse employees, including maintenance employees, selectors, loaders, forklift operators, ice room employees, and OS&D employees employed by the Employer at its facility located at 16888 McKinley Ave., Lathrop, CA 95330, excluding all other employees, managers, confidential employees, office clerical employees, guards, and supervisors as defined by the Act. Others permitted to vote The parties have agreed that shipping clerks, receiving clerks and yard jockeys may vote in the election, but their ballots will be challenged since their eligibility has not been resolved. No decision has been made regarding whether the individuals in these classifications or groups are included in, or excluded from, the bargaining unit. The eligibility or inclusion of these individuals will be resolved, if necessary, following the election.

Tally Issued Date:11/14/2024


No. of Eligible Voters:212

Void Ballots:0

Total Ballots Counted:184

Challenged Ballots:15

Votes for Labor Union:85

Tally Type:Initial

Ballot Type:Single Labor Organization

Unit ID:A

Votes Against:99

Challenges Determinative:Yes

Reason Closed:Certification of Results

Labor Union:Teamsters Local 439

Voting Unit (Unit A):All full-time and regular part-time warehouse employees, including maintenance employees, selectors, loaders, forklift operators, ice room employees, and OS&D employees employed by the Employer at its facility located at 16888 McKinley Ave., Lathrop, CA 95330, excluding all other employees, managers, confidential employees, office clerical employees, guards, and supervisors as defined by the Act. Others permitted to vote The parties have agreed that shipping clerks, receiving clerks and yard jockeys may vote in the election, but their ballots will be challenged since their eligibility has not been resolved. No decision has been made regarding whether the individuals in these classifications or groups are included in, or excluded from, the bargaining unit. The eligibility or inclusion of these individuals will be resolved, if necessary, following the election.

Docket Activity

Date sort ascending Document Issued/Filed By
03/11/2025 RD Order* NLRB - GC
03/10/2025 Withdrawal of Objections to an Election* Charging Party
11/22/2024 Objections to an Election* Petitioner
11/22/2024 Objections to an Election* Petitioner
11/20/2024 Post-Election Stipulation Resolving Challenges and/or Objections* NLRB - GC
11/15/2024 Tally of Ballots* NLRB - GC
10/16/2024 Notice of Election NLRB - GC
10/16/2024 Stipulated Election Agreement* NLRB - GC
10/16/2024 Stipulated Election Agreement* Employer
10/07/2024 Signed RC Petition* Petitioner

The Docket Activity list does not reflect all actions in this case.

* This document may require redactions before it can be viewed. To obtain a copy, please file a request through our FOIA Branch.

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Participant Address Phone
Legal Representative
Kosela, Jean
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
301 Congress Avenue,
Suite 1150
Austin, TX
Legal Representative
Anastas, Maria
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
1909 K Street, N.W., Suite 1000
Washington, DC
Legal Representative
McEntee, Peter
Beeson Tayer & Bodine
520 Capitol Mall, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA
Teamsters Local 439
Stockton, CA
Lathrop Logistics
Lathrop, CA

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