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Summary of NLRB Decisions for Week of October 15-19, 2012

The Summary of NLRB Decisions is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for the opinions of the NLRB.  Inquiries should be directed to the Office of Public Affairs at or 202‑273‑1991.


Summarized Board Decisions

No published Board decisions were issued this week.



Unpublished Board Decisions in Representation and Unfair Labor Practice Cases

R Cases

North Florida Electrical Contractors, Inc. (12-RC-083370) Jacksonville, FL, October 16, 2012.  Having no exceptions filed, the Board adopted the Acting Regional Director’s findings and recommendations, and found that a certification of representative should be issued.  Petitioner –International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, Local 177.

Northern Health Facilities, Inc., d/b/a Dresher Hill Health & Rehabilitation Center (04‑RC‑080166) Dresher, PA, October 16, 2012.  Having no exceptions filed, the Board adopted the administrative law judge’s findings and recommendations remanding the proceeding to the Regional Director for further appropriate action.  Petitioner – National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees, District 1199C.

Colegio de Tecnicos de Refrigeracion Y Aire Acondicionado de Puerto Rico (24‑RC‑082214) Puerto Nuevo, PR, October 16, 2012.  Having no exceptions filed, the Board adopted the hearing officer’s findings and recommendations remanding the proceeding to the Regional Director for further appropriate action.  Petitioner – Union de Empleados Del Colegio de Tecnicos de Refrigeracion Y Acondicionado de Puerto Rico.

Grace Industries, LLC (29-RC-012031, et al.) New York, NY, October 18, 2012.  Having no exceptions filed, the Board adopted the Regional Director’s findings and recommendations remanding the proceeding to the Regional Director for further appropriate action.  Petitioner-Intervenor – Highway Road and Street Construction Laborers, Local 1010, Laborers International Union of North America, AFL‑CIO. 

Ardit Company (The) (09-RC-083978) Columbus, OH, October 18, 2012.  Order denying the employer’s request for review of the Regional Director’s supplemental decision and order.  Petitioner – International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, Ohio Kentucky Administrative District Council, Local 18.  Chairman Pearce and Members Hayes and Griffin participated.

Ardit Company (The) (09-RC-083978-3) Columbus, OH, October 18, 2012.  Order denying the employer’s request for review of the Regional Director’s supplemental decision on objections.  Petitioner – International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, Ohio Kentucky Administrative District Council, Local 18.  Chairman Pearce and Members Hayes and Griffin participated.

Benjamin H. Realty Corporation (22-RC-087792) East Orange, NJ, October 18, 2012.  Order denying the employer’s request for review of the Acting Regional Director’s decision and direction of election.  Petitioner – Residential Construction and General Service Workers, Laborers, Local 55.  Chairman Pearce and Members Hayes and Griffin participated.

C Cases

CB&I, Inc. (06-CA-083397) New Martinsville, WV, October 17, 2012.  Order denying the employer’s petition to revoke subpoena duces tecum.  Charge filed by Mid‑Atlantic Council of Carpenters West Virginia District.  Chairman Pearce and Members Hayes and Griffin participated.

First Student, Inc. (08-CA-062611, et al.) Marysville, OH, October 17, 2012.  Order granting counsel for the Acting General Counsel’s motion to remand case to the Regional Director for further appropriate action.  Charges filed by Teamsters, Local 413.

StaffCo of Brooklyn, LLC (29-AC-072193, et al.) Brooklyn, NY, October 18, 2012.  Order denying the intervenor’s request for review of the Regional Director’s decision and amendment of certifications.  Charges filed by New York State Nurses Association.  Chairman Pearce and Members Hayes and Griffin participated. 

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (07-CA-073807) Detroit, MI, October 19, 2012.  No statement of exceptions having been filed, the Board adopted the findings and conclusions of the administrative law judge dismissing the complaint.  Charge filed by an individual.



Appellate Court Decisions

No Appellate Court decisions regarding NLRB cases were issued this week.



Administrative Law Judge Decisions

American Water Works Company, Inc. a/k/a American Water Works Service Company, Inc., and its subsidiaries (29‑CA‑030676; JD(NY)‑34‑12) Voorhees, NJ.  Charge filed by Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO.  Administrative Law Judge Steven Davis issued his decision on October 16, 2012.

C & G Distributing Company, Inc. (09-CA-078875; JD-57-12) Versailles, OH.  Charges filed by General Truck Drivers, Warehousemen, Helpers, Sales and Service and Casino Employees, Teamsters, Local 957, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.  Administrative Law Judge Jeffrey D. Wedekind issued his decision on October 17, 2012.



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