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Casos y Decisiones


Administrative Law Judge Decisions

After a Regional Director issues a complaint in an unfair labor practice case, an NLRB Administrative Law Judge hears the case and issues a decision and recommended order, which can then be appealed to the Board in Washington. If no exceptions are filed, the judge's order becomes the order of the Board. An administrative law judge's decision is not binding legal precedent in other cases unless it has been adopted by the Board on review of exceptions; these judges function much like trial court judges hearing a case without a jury. Such hearings are conducted at the locality where the unfair labor practice allegedly occurred. On occasion, administrative law judges also issue decisions in non-complaint, post-election representation cases that may be appealed to the Board.

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Case Number JD Number Case Name Judge Issuance Date sort ascending Board Outcome
13-CA-040821 JD(NY)-40-04 CINTAS CORPORATION Joel P. Biblowitz 01/01/0001
03-CA-024578 JD(NY)-42-04 SALMON RUN SHOPPING CENTER, LLC Joel P. Biblowitz 01/01/0001
29-CA-026044 JD(NY)-44-04 THE BROOKLYN HOSPITAL CENTER Eleanor MacDonald 01/01/0001
02-CA-035910 JD(NY)-46-04 STANFORD NEW YORK, LLC d/b/a STANFORD HOTEL Steven Davis 01/01/0001
02-CA-036028 JD(NY)-47-04 ALL MAKES HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Raymond P. Green 01/01/0001
29-CA-026283 JD(NY)-50-04 INDEPENDENT STEEL PRODUCTS, LLC Raymond P. Green 01/01/0001
29-CA-026082 JD(NY)-51-04 BERKSHIRE NURSING HOME, LLC Joel P. Biblowitz 01/01/0001
02-CA-034355 JD(NY)-52-04 THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART Steven Davis 01/01/0001
22-CA-025399 JD-07-04 NORTH HILLS OFFICE SERVICES Margaret M. Kern 01/01/0001
03-CA-023731 JD-59-04 CNP MECHANICAL, INC. Margaret M. Kern 01/01/0001
12-CA-017352 JD-12-99 WESTGATE VACATION VILLAS, INC. George Alemán 01/01/0001
12-CA-017352 JD-12-99 ER WESTGATE VACATION VILLAS, INC. George Alemán 01/01/0001
03-CA-021486 JD-132-99 HUDSON VALLEY ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE, INC. Wallace H. Nations 01/01/0001