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Casos y Decisiones


Appellate Court Briefs filed by the Board in Enforcement and Review Cases

After the Board issues a decision and final order in a contested unfair labor practice case, any person aggrieved may seek review of the final order under Section 10(f) of the Act, and the Board may seek enforcement of its order, in an appropriate United States Court of Appeals under Section 10(e) of the Act. The General Counsel, through the Appellate and Supreme Court Litigation Branch (ASCLB), represents the Board in review and enforcement cases in the Court of Appeals. The briefs and occasional petitions filed by the ASCLB in support of the Board's orders are listed chronologically by filing date.

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Case Number Case Name Circuit Court Filed Date sort ascending
02-CA-295979 Apple Inc. 05: Fifth Circuit 10/28/2024
32-CA-309933 UPS Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. 09: Ninth Circuit 10/25/2024
22-CA-263364 Russell Reid Waste Hauling and Disposal Service Company, Inc. 03: Third Circuit 10/21/2024
31-CA-299257 Starbucks Corporation 08: Eighth Circuit 10/16/2024
09-CA-298870 AMAZON.COM SERVICES, LLC 07: Seventh Circuit 10/04/2024
27-CA-278463 3484, Inc., and 3486, Inc., as alter egos and/or a single employer 10: Tenth Circuit 10/03/2024
28-CA-286885 North Mountain Foothills Apartments, LLC 09: Ninth Circuit 09/30/2024
12-CA-279497 Metro Health, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Metropolitano Rio Piedras DC: DC Circuit 09/26/2024
28-CA-329732 The Healing Healthcare 3, Inc d/b/a Curaleaf Camelback Dispensary DC: DC Circuit 09/13/2024
06-CA-266234 Miller Plastic Products, Inc. 03: Third Circuit 09/09/2024
16-CA-326027 Cognizant Technology Solutions U.S. Corp. and Google, LLC, as joint employers 05: Fifth Circuit 09/05/2024
06-CA-266234 Miller Plastic Products, Inc. 09/03/2024
25-CA-276061 Troy Grove, a Division of RiverStone Group Inc., Vermillion Quarry, a Division of RiverStone Group, DC: DC Circuit 08/13/2024
20-CA-270047 Macy's, Inc. 09: Ninth Circuit 08/12/2024
12-CA-279497 Metro Health, Inc. d/b/a Hospital Metropolitano Rio Piedras DC: DC Circuit 08/08/2024
28-CA-329732 The Healing Healthcare 3, Inc d/b/a Curaleaf Camelback Dispensary DC: DC Circuit 07/24/2024
20-CA-328308 Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. DC: DC Circuit 07/18/2024
18-CA-273796 Home Depot USA, Inc. 08: Eighth Circuit 07/11/2024
19-CD-269624 International Longshore and Warehouse Union and International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local 1 09: Ninth Circuit 06/21/2024
22-CA-218903 Exxon Mobil Research & Engineering 05: Fifth Circuit 05/29/2024