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NLRB Directs Washington D.C. Headquarters Employees to Temporarily Telework

Office of Public Affairs


Effective at 3:00 PM EDT today, the National Labor Relations Board has directed employees working at several floors of its Headquarters in Washington, D.C. to temporarily telework. This is being undertaken as a precaution against potential exposure to the Coronavirus. As part of our Coronavirus contingency plan, Headquarters Agency employees will telework through at least Monday, March 16, 2020.  Agency leadership has advised employees that telework may be extended based on developing circumstances. In the meantime, a deep cleaning of all Headquarters floors and common spaces, such as the elevators, will be undertaken.

The NLRB is taking this action after having been alerted that an employee at the Agency’s Washington, D.C. headquarters was in close contact with an individual who tested positive for the Coronavirus. The employee is currently exhibiting cold-like symptoms, but has not yet been tested.

The Agency has planned for this possibility and will remain fully operational. The Agency continues to function as normal and will continue its work enforcing the National Labor Relations Act. 

Established in 1935, the National Labor Relations Board is an independent federal agency that protects employees and employers, and unions from unfair labor practices and protects the right of private sector employees to join together, with or without a union, to improve wages, benefits and working conditions. The NLRB conducts hundreds of workplace elections and investigates thousands of unfair labor practice charges each year.
