NLRB Philadelphia Office to Close Friday, September 25 during Papal Visit
Office of Public Affairs
In light of the expected large influx of visitors to Philadelphia PA in the days leading up to the Papal visit to that city scheduled for September 26 and 27, 2015, the Agency’s Philadelphia Regional Office will not be open to the public on Friday, September 25, 2015.
The Philadelphia Regional Office will not schedule representation or unfair labor practice hearings from Thursday, September 24 through and including Monday, September 28. Moreover, the Regional Office will be unable to receive mail or other deliveries on Friday, September 25.
Staff of the Philadelphia Regional Office who are teleworking on September 25, 2015, will docket incoming unfair labor practice charges and representation petitions filed by fax or through the Agency’s e-filing system
Members of the public and parties to pending cases may fax documents to the Philadelphia Regional Office at (215) 597-7658. Individuals, labor organizations or employers who wish to file new unfair labor practice charges or representation petitions, or who are submitting documents in open cases, are strongly encouraged to use the Agency’s e-filing system. Instructions for using the e-filing system and other general information about the NLRB can be found on the Agency’s website at
Board Agents will be in contact with parties to their cases in advance of the Papal visit and advise them of their availability in the days before and after the visit.
If on Friday, September 25, a party or other interested person has a question or concern regarding a case and they cannot reach the assigned Board Agent, please call Harry Maier, Assistant to the Regional Director at (215) 597-7610.