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NLRB Region 4 Office in Philadelphia Moving to New Location, Office to be Closed to the Public Friday and Monday for Move

Office of Public Affairs


The National Labor Relation Board’s (NLRB) Region 4 Office in Philadelphia will be relocating from their current offices at 615 Chestnut Street to 100 Penn Square, Suite 403, Philadelphia, PA 19107, on Tuesday, October 23.  In preparation for the move, the Philadelphia office will be closed to the public on Friday, October 19 and Monday, October 22.

During this time period, the Region 22 office in Newark will handle all telephone inquiries and will docket all charges and filings directed to Region 4 through the Agency’s e-filing system.

Individuals, labor organizations or employers who wish to file new unfair labor practice charges or representation petitions, or who are submitting documents in open cases, are strongly encouraged to use the Agency’s e-filing system.  Instructions for using the e-filing system and other general information about the NLRB can be found on the Agency’s website at