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Ronald K. Hooks

Ron Hooks was appointed Regional Director of the Seattle Regional Office (Region 19) in 2011. He previously served as the Regional Director of the Memphis Regional Office (Region 26) for 12 years. Mr. Hooks is a graduate of LeMoyne-Owen College in Memphis and Rutgers University School of Law in Newark, NJ.
Mr. Hooks began his NLRB career in 1972 as a Field Attorney in Region 26 and left the NLRB the following year to work on a project to increase minority enrollment at southern law schools. Following periods where he headed an equal employment project for the State of Tennessee and was engaged in the private practice of law, Mr. Hooks returned to the Agency in 1974 as a Field Attorney in the Fort Worth, Texas Regional Office (Region 16).
In 1978, Mr. Hooks was appointed Supervisory Attorney in the Indianapolis Regional Office (Region 25) and left the Agency the following year. He later returned to the Fort Worth Regional Office as a Field Attorney in 1987. Subsequently, Mr. Hooks transferred to the New Orleans, LA Regional Office (Region 15) as a Supervisory Attorney in 1990 and was appointed Regional Attorney in the Memphis office in 1992.