Recent Election Results
Displaying 421 - 440
of 758
TruGreen LandCare LLC
Case Number: 05-RC-124981
Tally Issued Date: 02 May 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Single Labor Organization
Date Filed: 21 March 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 13
Void Ballots: 1
Unit Location: Ijamsville, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 0
Total Ballots Counted: 11
Votes for Labor Union1: 11
Labor Union1: Public Service Employee 572 a/w Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL-COP
Union to Certify: Public Service Employee 572 a/w Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL-COP
Voting Unit (Unit A): Included: All full-time and regular part-time laborers and laborers/drivers
employed by the Employer performing landscaping work at Walter Reed National
Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland; the Naval Support Facility Carderock in
West Bethesda, Maryland; and the United States Naval Observatory in
Washington, DC. Excluded: All production managers, managerial employees, office clerical
employees, professional employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the
Maryland Institute College of Art
Case Number: 05-RC-123986
Tally Issued Date: 29 April 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Single Labor Organization
Date Filed: 07 March 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 344
Void Ballots: 3
Unit Location: Baltimore, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 75
Total Ballots Counted: 238
Votes for Labor Union1: 163
Voting Unit (Unit A): Including:
All parHime faculty employed by lhe EmpJoyer in BaJtimore, Maryland, including all those teaching
at least one class, workshop. or seminar; and includ ng all part-time fuculty leaching in the
School for Professional and Continuing Studies.
But Excluding:
All other employees, full-lime faculty, pro-mta faculty, gradu,ate students, teaching
assistants. artists in residence, critics in residence, visiting artists, visiting critics.
full-time staff whose adjunct teaching is not compensated additionally for teachingadministrators.
administrators who have teaching responsibilities, managers, guards, and supervisors as defined
in the Act.
American Intermodal Solutions, Inc., and Ports America Chesapeake, LLC, a Single Employer
Case Number: 05-RC-124739
Tally Issued Date: 23 April 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Single Labor Organization
Date Filed: 18 March 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 21
Void Ballots: 0
Unit Location: Baltimore, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 3
Total Ballots Counted: 21
Votes for Labor Union1: 18
Labor Union1: International Longshoremen's Association, AFL-CIO
Union to Certify: International Longshoremen's Association, AFL-CIO
Voting Unit (Unit A): All full-time and regular part-time crane mechanics and technicians employed by the Employer at its Baltimore, Maryland facility, but excluding all chassis and container repair employees, office clerical employees, professional employees, managerial employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.
Case Number: 05-RC-124761
Tally Issued Date: 23 April 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Single Labor Organization
Date Filed: 19 March 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 15
Void Ballots: 0
Unit Location: Baltimore, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 7
Total Ballots Counted: 15
Votes for Labor Union1: 8
Labor Union1: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Union to Certify: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Voting Unit (Unit A): All full-time and part-time drivers employed by the Employer at its facility currently located at 2601 Cannery Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland; excluding all office clerical employees, dispatchers, guards, mechanics, professional employees, and supervisors as defined by the Act.
Elite Protective Services, Inc.
Case Number: 05-UD-124206
Tally Issued Date: 21 April 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: UD
Date Filed: 11 March 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 13
Void Ballots: 0
Unit Location: Silver Spring, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 0
Total Ballots Counted: 10
Votes for Labor Union1: 10
Labor Union1: International Union, Security, Police, and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA), Local 555
Union to Certify: International Union, Security, Police, and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA), Local 555
Voting Unit (Unit A): All full-time and regular part-time security officers employed by the Employer at the FEMA facility located at 6511 American Boulevard in Hyattsville, Maryland; but excluding all other employees, including office clericals, corporals and sergeants, lieutenants, captains and any other supervisors as defined in the National Labor Relations Act
Coastal International Security, Inc.
Case Number: 05-RC-122771
Tally Issued Date: 17 April 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Three Labor Organizations
Date Filed: 19 February 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 225
Void Ballots: 7
Unit Location: Silver Spring, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 0
Total Ballots Counted: 80
Votes for Labor Union1: 73
Labor Union1: National Alliance of Law Enforcement Officers (NALEO)
Union to Certify: National Alliance of Law Enforcement Officers (NALEO)
Voting Unit (Unit A): All full-time and part-time security guards, as defined in Section 9(b) (3) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended assigned by the Employer at White Oak Federal Research Center, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD and 20400 Century Blvd., Germantown, MD; but excluding all office clerical employees, professional employees, Project Managers, Assistant Project Managers, Captains, and all other supervisors as defined by the Act.
Applied Integrated Technologies, Inc.
Case Number: 05-UD-123664
Tally Issued Date: 07 April 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: UD
Date Filed: 26 February 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 12
Void Ballots: 0
Unit Location: Olney, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 0
Total Ballots Counted: 8
Votes for Labor Union1: 8
Labor Union1: Ayodele
Union to Certify: Ayodele
Voting Unit (Unit A): All security guard employees employed by the Employer at its DHS/FEMA Olney Federal Support Center located in Gaithersburg, MD; but excluding all Officers and Directors of the Employer, professional employees, the Project Manager, all other supervisors and managerial employees as defined by the act, and non-guard employees.
PICO Industries, Inc.
Case Number: 05-RC-122173
Tally Issued Date: 21 March 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Single Labor Organization
Date Filed: 07 February 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 29
Void Ballots: 0
Unit Location: Baltimore, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 13
Total Ballots Counted: 26
Votes for Labor Union1: 9
Labor Union1: Ironworkers Local #5
Voting Unit (Unit A): All full-time and regular part-time outside field erection crew employees employed by the Employer at its Baltimore, Maryland facility, but excluding all inside fabrication employees, temporary employees, office clerical employees, professional employees, managerial employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.
Unity Disposal and Recycling, LLC
Case Number: 05-RC-121728
Tally Issued Date: 14 March 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Single Labor Organization
Date Filed: 31 January 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 78
Void Ballots: 0
Unit Location: Laurel, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 26
Total Ballots Counted: 64
Votes for Labor Union1: 38
Labor Union1: Laborers International Union of North America, Local 657
Union to Certify: Laborers International Union of North America, Local 657
Voting Unit (Unit A): Included: All full-time and regular part-time drivers and helpers employed by the
Employer in the division of the company working under solid waste disposal contracts
with Montgomery County, Maryland.
Excluded: All drivers and helpers working under contracts with Howard County,
mechanics, dispatchers, office managers, owners, managerial employees, office clerical
employees, professional employees, guards and supervisors as defined by the Act.
Unity Disposal and Recycling, LLC
Case Number: 05-RC-121736
Tally Issued Date: 14 March 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Single Labor Organization
Date Filed: 31 January 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 35
Void Ballots: 0
Unit Location: Laurel, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 8
Total Ballots Counted: 26
Votes for Labor Union1: 18
Labor Union1: Laborers International Union of North America, Local 657
Union to Certify: Laborers International Union of North America, Local 657
Voting Unit (Unit A): Included: All full-time and regular part-time drivers and helpers employed by the
Employer in the division of the company working under solid waste disposal contracts
with Howard County, Maryland.
Excluded: All drivers and helpers working under contracts with Montgomery County,
mechanics, dispatchers, office managers, owners, managerial employees, office clerical
employees, professional employees, guards and supervisors as defined by the Act.
Unity Disposal and Recycling, LLC
Case Number: 05-RC-121743
Tally Issued Date: 14 March 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Single Labor Organization
Date Filed: 31 January 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 6
Void Ballots: 0
Unit Location: Laurel, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 4
Total Ballots Counted: 6
Votes for Labor Union1: 2
Labor Union1: Laborers International Union of North America, Local 657
Voting Unit (Unit A): Included: All full-time and regular part-time mechanics employed by the Employer at its
Laurel, Maryland facility.
Excluded: All drivers, helpers, dispatchers, office managers, owners, managerial
employees, office clerical employees, professional employees, guards and supervisors
as defined by the Act.
American Security Program
Case Number: 05-RC-121919
Tally Issued Date: 11 March 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Two Labor Organizations
Date Filed: 04 February 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 55
Void Ballots: 0
Unit Location: Rockville, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 0
Total Ballots Counted: 20
Votes for Labor Union1: 19
Labor Union1: Governed United Security Professionals
Union to Certify: Governed United Security Professionals
Voting Unit (Unit A): All full-time and regular part-time security officers employed by the Employer to
provide security services under contract with the National Cancer Institute
currently located at 9607 and 9609 Medical Center Drive, Rockville, Maryland;
excluding all project managers, site supervisors, sergeants, lieutenants, clerical
employees, professional employees, managerial employees, and supervisors as
defined in the Act.
MVM, Inc.
Case Number: 05-UD-120820
Tally Issued Date: 21 February 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: UD
Date Filed: 17 January 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 373
Void Ballots: 5
Unit Location: Bethesda, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 9
Total Ballots Counted: 103
Votes for Labor Union1: 94
Labor Union1: United Security and Police Officers of America (USPOA), and its Amalgamated Local Union 208
Voting Unit (Unit A): All full-time and regular part-time security officers employed by the Employer and assigned to the following locations of the National Institutes of Health operations: Bethesda, Poolesville, Gaithersburg, Rockville, and Baltimore, Maryland, pursuant to its current and follow-on service contracts with the government for the provision of security services at said facilities; but excluding all office and clerical employees, managers, professional employees, temporary employees, substitute employees, non-security employees, and supervisors as defined by the Act.
Paragon Systems, Inc.
Case Number: 05-RC-119929
Tally Issued Date: 18 February 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Two Labor Organizations
Date Filed: 02 January 2014
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 396
Void Ballots: 14
Unit Location: Woodlawn, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 2
Total Ballots Counted: 125
Votes for Labor Union1: 37
Labor Union1: Governed United Security Professionals
Union to Certify: Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA), Local 555
Voting Unit (Unit A): Included: All full-time and regular part-time employees employed by the Employer at the Social Security Administration's national headquarters, Security "West" and National Computer Center facilities in Woodlawn, Maryland; but excluding all office clerical employees, professional employees, participants in the pre-hire training programs, managerial personnel, confidential employees, lieutenants, captains, and supervisors as defined by the Act.
AmeriGuard Security Services, Inc.
Case Number: 05-UD-119846
Tally Issued Date: 07 February 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: UD
Date Filed: 31 December 2013
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 70
Void Ballots: 0
Unit Location: Rockville, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 1
Total Ballots Counted: 49
Votes for Labor Union1: 48
Labor Union1: United Security & Police Officers of America (USPOA)
Voting Unit (Unit A): All uniformed security officers as described in the collective-bargaining
agreement between the Employer and UNITED SECURITY & POLICE
OFFICERS OF AMERICA (USPOA), effective October 1, 2013 to September 30,
2016, excluding all other employees, including office clericals, and supervisors as
defined in the National Labor Relations Act.
First Transit, Inc.
Case Number: 05-RC-112000
Tally Issued Date: 31 January 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Single Labor Organization
Date Filed: 26 August 2013
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 302
Void Ballots: 0
Unit Location: Capitol Heights, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 1
Total Ballots Counted: 208
Votes for Labor Union1: 207
Labor Union1: Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 689, a/w Amalgamated Transit Union, AFL-CIO, CLC
Union to Certify: Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 689, a/w Amalgamated Transit Union, AFL-CIO, CLC
Voting Unit (Unit A): All full-time and regular part time Drivers, Road Supervisors, Dispatchers, Maintenance Technicians, Maintenance Workers, Utility Clerks, Utility Workers, Mechanics, and Mechanics Tech II, and Gatekeepers employed at the Employer’s Capitol Heights, Maryland facility; but excluding office clerical employees, professional employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.
Case Number: 01-RC-119276
Tally Issued Date: 30 January 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Single Labor Organization
Date Filed: 19 December 2013
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 79
Void Ballots: 1
Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 39
Total Ballots Counted: 72
Votes for Labor Union1: 33
Labor Union1: UNITE HERE, LOCAL 26
Voting Unit (Unit A): All full- time and regular part-time employees employed by the Employer at Babson College, located in Wellesley, Massachusetts, in food, beverage, and retail operations, including cashiers, cooks, dishwashers, utility, food service workers, servers, line servers, runners, leads, and other non-statutory supervisors but excluding office clerical employees, confidential employees, contract temporary employees, students of Babson College, managerial employees, guards and supervisors as defined by the Act.
Fed Serv Industries
Case Number: 10-RC-118787
Tally Issued Date: 23 January 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Single Labor Organization
Date Filed: 10 December 2013
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 10
Void Ballots: 0
Unit Location: Waldorf, MD
Region Assigned: Region 10, Atlanta, Georgia
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 0
Total Ballots Counted: 5
Votes for Labor Union1: 5
Labor Union1: International Union of Operating Engineers Local 474
Union to Certify: International Union of Operating Engineers Local 474
Voting Unit (Unit A): All full-time and regular part time maintenance and housekeeping employees employed by the Employer at the Federal Buildings located at 600 James Brown Boulevard, Augusta, Georgia; 52 N. Main Street, Statesboro, Georgia; the J. Roy Rowland Federal Building located at 100 North Franklin Street, Dublin, Georgia; and the Scarlett Federa Building located at 805 Gloucester Street, Room 141, Brunswick, Georgia; but excluding all office employees, professional employees guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act.
AES/Western Maryland Management, LLC
Case Number: 05-RC-118073
Tally Issued Date: 10 January 2014
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Single Labor Organization
Date Filed: 02 December 2013
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 47
Void Ballots: 0
Unit Location: Cumberland, MD
Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 36
Total Ballots Counted: 47
Votes for Labor Union1: 11
Labor Union1: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 307
Voting Unit (Unit A): All full-time and regular part-time production and maintenance employees employed by the Employer at its Warrior Run plant including Operation Technicians Teams, Performance Team/ Instrument & Electrical Technicians, Reliability Team/Maintenance Technicians/Planner-Scheduler/Purchasing-Buyer, and Material Handling-Warehouse-Support Technicians, but excluding all office clerical employees, professional employees, managerial employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.
The Wood Company, a subsidiary of Sodexo, Inc.
Case Number: 04-RC-115804
Tally Issued Date: 06 December 2013
Tally Type: Initial
Ballot Type: Single Labor Organization
Date Filed: 28 October 2013
Status: Closed
No. of Eligible Voters: 52
Void Ballots: 0
Region Assigned: Region 04, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Unit ID: A
Votes Against: 27
Total Ballots Counted: 39
Votes for Labor Union1: 12
Voting Unit (Unit A): INCLUDED: All full-time and regular part-time food service employees including bakers, baristas, cashiers, cooks, food prep helpers, food service workers, “supervisors I,” utility workers and wait staff employed by the employer at Cabrini College, 610 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, PA.
EXCLUDED: On-call employees, student employees, office clerical employees, guards and supervisors (except “supervisors I”) as defined in the Act. “Supervisors I” are included in the unit.