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Regional News Releases

Regional news highlights cases and initiatives of significance in the NLRB’s regional offices.

Members of the press, please contact Press Secretary Kayla Blado with questions: For all other inquiries, email

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Release date sort ascending Title Region
06/21/2021 Santa Fe Employees Compensated for Auto Dealership’s Unlawful Coercion Against Supporting a Union Region 28 - Phoenix
05/28/2021 Corte Distrital emite un mandato cautelar y le requiere al Meadowlands View Hotel que negocie con la Unión Region 22 - Newark
05/27/2021 US District Court Issues Temporary Injunction and Requires Meadowlands View Hotel to Bargain with Union Region 22 - Newark
05/24/2021 Region 2 Obtains Injunction Against Largest Meat Distributor in New York Region 02 - New York
05/21/2021 Region 28 Director Cornele Overstreet presents NLRB “hot topics” to Arizona Labor and Employment Relations Association Region 28 - Phoenix
05/20/2021 Court upholds Region 31’s win at the Board in Terranea Resort case Region 31 - Los Angeles
05/14/2021 Region 19 Obtains Injunctive Relief Order Against Hood Rivers Distillers, Inc. Region 19 - Seattle
05/13/2021 Region 28 negotiates reinstatement and backpay for 11 Phoenix employees and union election rerun Region 28 - Phoenix
05/11/2021 Region 7 Wins Labor Board Decision Confirming Federal Bureau of Prisons Contractors Subject to NLRA Region 07 - Detroit
05/07/2021 Region 9 Successfully Obtains Order against Smyrna Ready Mix Concrete LLC Allowing Reinstated Workers a Union Election Region 09 - Cincinnati
04/13/2021 Region 28 issues complaint alleging Station Casinos used employee layoffs to undermine unions at 10 Las Vegas casino hotels during COVID-19 pandemic Region 28 - Phoenix
04/06/2021 Region 28 successfully obtained Order against David Saxe Productions and V Theater Group to reinstate fired employees and open and count their ballots Region 28 - Phoenix
03/10/2021 Region 10 Atlanta Office Relocation Region 10 - Atlanta
05/27/2020 New Representation Case Rules Outreach Event Region 02 - New York
05/26/2020 R-Case Rules Information Session Region 18 - Minneapolis
05/22/2020 2019 Rule Modifications to Representation Case Procedures Region 28 - Phoenix
05/22/2020 Region 1 Boston - Training on New R Case Rules Region 01 - Boston
05/20/2020 Rule Changes in Representation Cases - Effective May 31, 2020 Region 20 - San Francisco
05/20/2020 Representation Case Rules 2019 Amendments Training Region 31 - Los Angeles
05/01/2020 In-Person Meetings By Appointment Only During Pandemic Region 27 - Denver