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Public Documents

This list includes the document types available on the NLRB’s Case Pages. Document types presented as “Redaction Required” are listed on the Case Page but the full text of the document only is made available after a redacted version of the document is uploaded.

Following information was last updated on 02/12/2019


Document Type sort descending Redaction Required?
Comments on EAJA app (by party other than GC and Applicant) No
Complaint and Notice of Hearing Yes
Complaint Filed to Court No
Complaint Plus Compliance Specification Yes
Compliance Case - Certificate of Compliance Yes
Compliance Case--Certification of Posting Yes
Compliance Case--Closing Letter Yes
Compliance Case--Compliance Specification Yes
Compliance Determination Yes
Compliance Settlement Agreement Yes
Compliance Unilateral Settlement Agreement Letter Yes
Conference Report to Court No
Conformed Settlement Agreement Bilateral Yes
Conformed Settlement Agreement Unilateral Yes
Consent Election Agreement Yes
Consolidated Complaint (C and R Cases) Yes
Consolidated Complaint (C Cases Only) Yes
Consolidated Complaint Plus Compliance Specification Yes
Contempt - Certificate of Compliance Yes
Corporate Disclosure Statements No