Recent Charges and Petitions Filings
Displaying 456601 - 456620
of 484646
United Steelworkers of America, District 2 (Motor Castings Company)
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
The Employee Committee (J L French Automotive Castings, Inc.)
Location: Sheboygan, WI
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
IBEW Local No. 715 (Norlight Telecommunications, Inc.)
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Buell Motorcycle Company, LLC, d/b/a Buell Motorcycle Company
Location: East Troy, WI
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Unit Sought: Included: All full-time and regular part-time production and maintenance employees research and development employees employed by the Employer at East Troy WI. location.
Excluded: Lead persons, office clerical employees sales employees, professionals sales trainees temporary employees inspectors, watchmen, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.
Personnel Inc.
Location: Racine, WI
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Municipal Parking, Inc.
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
JT Electric Service, Inc.
Location: Albany, MN
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Aargus Security Systems
Location: Chicago, IL
Region Assigned: Region 13, Chicago, Illinois
United Auto Workers Local 890 (ITT Bell & Gossett Industries)
Location: Morton Grove, IL
Region Assigned: Region 13, Chicago, Illinois
United Steelworkers of America (U.S. Steel)
Location: Gary, IN
Region Assigned: Region 13, Chicago, Illinois
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 743 (Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center)
Location: Chicago, IL
Region Assigned: Region 13, Chicago, Illinois
Elgiloy Specialty Metals, Div. of Combined Metals of Chicago, LLC
Location: Hampshire, IL
Region Assigned: Region 13, Chicago, Illinois
Raco Steel Company
Location: Markham, IL
Region Assigned: Region 13, Chicago, Illinois
Location: Corbin, KY
Region Assigned: Region 09, Cincinnati, Ohio
Unit Sought: All full time and regular part time production and maintenance employees.
EXCLUDED: All temporary employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.
Location: Louisville, KY
Region Assigned: Region 09, Cincinnati, Ohio
Unit Sought: All production and mechanical maintenance employees and safety and first aid employees employed by the Employer at its Louisville, Kentucky facility.
EXCLUDED: All other employees, electricians, office clerical employees, and all professional employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the National Labor Relations Act.
Minnesota's Health Care Union, SEIU Local 113 (Allina Health System, Children's Health Care, Fairvie
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Gaetano, Diplacidi & Associates Inc. a.k.a. Gaetano & Associates
Location: Ossining, NY
Region Assigned: Region 02, New York, New York
C. White & Son, Inc.
Location: Rocky Hill, CT
Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts
United States Postal Service
Location: Rockland, ME
Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts
Atlantic Express
Location: Chicago, IL
Region Assigned: Region 13, Chicago, Illinois