Recent Charges and Petitions Filings
Displaying 461501 - 461520
of 484815
United Food & Commercial Workers Local 1288 (Foster Farms)
Location: Livingston, CA
Region Assigned: Region 32, Oakland, California
Sak's 5th Avenue
Location: New York, NY
Region Assigned: Region 02, New York, New York
International Union, UAW, Local 12 (Chrysler, Toledo Assembly Plant)
Location: Toledo, OH
Region Assigned: Region 08, Cleveland, Ohio
Brookview Health Care Facility
Location: West Hartford, CT
Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts
Location: Charleston, WV
Region Assigned: Region 09, Cincinnati, Ohio
Unit Sought: Teachers, teachers aides, cooks, cooks aides, bus drivers, custodians, family service workers, parent involvement liasons, clerical employees and receptionists at the employer's Head Start sites in Clay, Boone and Putnom counites and at its main office in Kanawha County, West Virginia.
EXLCUDED: Program clerks, administrative assistants, program specialists, guards and supervisors as defined by the Act.
Location: Charleston, WV
Region Assigned: Region 09, Cincinnati, Ohio
Unit Sought:
Patient Care Techs, Equipment Techs, Ward Clerks
Nurse, Adminstrator, Adm. Sec, Director of Nursing, Social Workers, Dieititian, Chief Tech, Ins. Coordinator
American Flint Glass Workers Union, Local 512 (Anchor Hocking Specialty Glass Company)
Location: Monaca, PA
Region Assigned: Region 06, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Aquila Inc
Location: Clive, IA
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Unit Sought: Included: All permanent Aquila workers in the state of Iowa in the classifications of utility specialist, field associate, service technicians, service/ops technician, welder, meter shop tech, meter reader, operations technician, and customer service tech.
Excluded: All supervisors, confidential and professional employees as defined by the Act.
Cemstone Products Co.
Location: New Richmond, WI
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Unit Sought: Included: All crushing and washing employees employed by the Employer at its New Richmond, Wisconsin facility.
Excluded: Office clerical employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act, as amended.
Location: Cedar Rapids, IA
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Unit Sought: Included: All full-time and regular part-time vending department and warehouse employees employed by the Employer at its Cedar Rapids, Iowa facility; but excluding all office and plant clerical employees, professional employees, managers, route sales employees, bulk drivers, merchandisers, express employees, fleet maintenance employees, guards, supervisors and all other employees as defined in the Act as amended.
Best Inc.
Location: Buffalo, MN
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Unit Sought: Included: Wright County Jail Dietary Department
Excluded: Supervisory, confidential and all other employees
SEIU, Local 32BJ (Initial Cleaning Co.)
Location: Hartford, CT
Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts
Holley Dodge of Middletown
Location: Middletown, CT
Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts
U.S. Postal Service
Location: Fort Myers, FL
Region Assigned: Region 12, Tampa, Florida
Location: Dayton, OH
Region Assigned: Region 09, Cincinnati, Ohio
Location: Franklin, WI
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
J L French Automotive Castings, Inc.
Location: Sheboygan, WI
Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Unit Sought: Included: Full-time & part-time regular production & maintenance employees employed by the Employer at both facilities (Taylor & Gateway).
Excluded: Ofice clerical employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.
Schulze and Burch Biscuit Company
Location: Chicago, IL
Region Assigned: Region 13, Chicago, Illinois
All Metro Aids Inc., d/b/a All Metro Health Care
Location: Liverpool, NY
Region Assigned: Region 03, Buffalo, New York
Federal-Mogul Corp. Lighting Products
Location: Franklin Park, IL
Region Assigned: Region 13, Chicago, Illinois