
In Pennsylvania, services:
Berks | Lancaster | Philadelphia |
Bucks | Lebanon | Pike |
Carbon | Lehigh | Schuylkill |
Chester | Luzerne | Susquehanna |
Delaware | Monroe | Wayne |
Dauphin | Montgomery | Wyoming Counties |
Juniata | Northampton | |
Lackawanna | Perry |
In New Jersey, services:
Atlantic | Cape May | Ocean |
Burlington | Cumberland | Salem Counties |
Camden | Gloucester |
In Delaware services New Castle County.
Established in 1935, the National Labor Relations Board is an independent federal agency that protects employees, employers, and unions from unfair labor practices and protects the right of private sector employees to join together, with or without a union, to improve wages, benefits and working conditions. The NLRB conducts hundreds of workplace elections and investigates thousands of unfair labor practice charges each year. Region 4 serves areas in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware from its Regional Office in Philadelphia.
Ratification of Regional Director Actions
Following the Board’s authorization, Regional Director Dennis P. Walsh ratified all of his actions from the date of his initial appointment to July 18, 2014. These ratifications include all personnel and administrative decisions, all actions in representation case matters, and all actions in unfair labor practice cases. Please see the attached link of his signed ratification document.
Region 04 - Philadelphia
Welcome to the Region 4 of the National Labor Relations Board. We conduct elections, investigate charges of unfair labor practices, and protect the rights of workers to act together, serving eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey from our office in Philadelphia. If you have questions or wish to file a charge or petition for election, please visit our office or call and ask for the Information Officer on duty. We can arrange to have someone speak with you in the language of your choice.
Regional Office 04 - Philadelphia, PA
100 E Penn Square
Suite 403
Philadelphia, PA 19107
United States
Installation of Dennis Walsh as Regional Director of Region Four
On Friday, April 19, 2013, at 11:00 a.m., Dennis P. Walsh will be installed as Regional Director of Region Four of the National Labor Relations Board before the Honorable Theodore A. McKee, Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit at the James A. Byrne United States Courthouse, Ceremonial Courtroom, located at 601 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Dennis Walsh named Regional Director in Philadelphia
National Labor Relations Board Chairman Mark Gaston Pearce and Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon announced their selection of Dennis P. Walsh to serve as Regional Director of the Agency’s Region 4 office in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mr. Walsh will be responsible for enforcement of the nation’s primary labor law covering private sector employees in the jurisdiction of Region 4, which serves 22 counties in eastern Pennsylvania, 8 counties in southern New Jersey, and 1 county in Delaware. He replaces Regional Director Dorothy Moore-Duncan, who retired in January 2013.
Regional Director Dorothy Moore-Duncan retires
After 15 years as Director of the Philadelphia Regional Office and 40 years with the agency, Dorothy Moore-Duncan has retired from the National Labor Relations Board, effective Jan. 3.
John D. Breese, Assistant to the Regional Director, and Daniel E. Halevy, Regional Attorney, will serve as Acting Regional Director on a rotating basis until a permanent director is chosen.
NLRB finds musicians at three symphony orchestras are employees, not independent contractors
The National Labor Relations Board has found that musicians playing for symphony orchestras in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Texas are employees, not independent contractors, and therefore are eligible to vote on whether they want union representation.
In a 2-to-1 decision in Lancaster Symphony Orchestra, issued Dec. 27, the Board reversed the Regional Director’s decision to dismiss an election petition and sent the case back to the region for further action.
Settlement ends labor dispute at Philadelphia rail car plant
A settlement agreement approved by the National Labor Relations Board earlier this month ends a long-running labor dispute at a Philadelphiaplant that assembles rail cars for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority (SEPTA).
The settlement resolves five unfair labor practice charges alleging unlawful conduct by Hyundai Rotem USA Corp. and TTA Philadelphia LLC, joint employers at the plant, following a 2010 vote by mechanical and electrical workers in favor of representation by the Transportation Workers Union of Philadelphia, Local 234.
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