
Services Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah.
In Nebraska, services:
Banner | Deuel | Scotts Bluff |
Box Butte | Garden | Sheridan |
Cheyenne | Kimball | Sioux Counties |
Dawes | Morrill |
In Idaho, services:
Ada | Caribou | Minidoka |
Bannock | Cassia | Oneida |
Bear Lake | Elmore | Owyhee |
Bingham | Franklin | Payette |
Blaine | Gem | Power |
Boise | Gooding | Teton |
Bonneville | Jefferson | Twin Falls |
Butte | Jerome | Washington Counties |
Camas | Lincoln | |
Canyon | Madison |
In Montana, services:
Big Horn | Golden Valley | Roosevelt |
Blaine | Hill | Rosebud |
Carbon | Judith Basin | Sheridan |
Carter | McCone | Stillwater |
Chouteau | Musselshell | Sweet Grass |
Custer | Park | Treasure |
Daniels | Petroleum | Valley |
Dawson | Phillips | Wheatland |
Fallon | Powder River | Wilbaux |
Fergus | Prairie | Yellowstone Counties |
Garfield | Richland |
Established in 1935, the National Labor Relations Board is an independent federal agency that protects employees, employers, and unions from unfair labor practices and protects the right of private sector employees to join together, with or without a union, to improve wages, benefits and working conditions. The NLRB conducts hundreds of workplace elections and investigates thousands of unfair labor practice charges each year. Region 27 serves areas in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and Nebraska from its Regional Office in Denver.
Matthew S. Lomax Named Regional Director for Region 27-Denver
Today, General Counsel Jennifer A. Abruzzo announced the appointment of Matthew S. Lomax as the Regional Director of the NLRB Region 27-Denver office. With a Regional Office in Denver, Colorado, Region 27 is responsible for conducting elections, investigating unfair labor practice charges, and protecting the right of workers to act collectively to improve their wages and working conditions throughout Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, as well as parts of Idaho, Montana, and Nebraska.
Nathan A. Higley Named Salt Lake City Resident Agent
Salt Lake City, UT—Today, National Labor Relations Board General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo announced the appointment of attorney Nathan A. Higley as the Salt Lake City Resident Agent of Region 27-Denver.
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