Additional Career Paths
It takes a dedicated, talented team to accomplish the NLRB mission — working to assure fair labor practices and workplace democracy nationwide. Our team is made up of professionals with a wide range of skills, experiences, and perspectives: Senior Executive Service professionals, finance professionals, IT professionals, administrative professionals, and more. Take a detailed look at some of the additional roles that are essential to accomplishing our mission.
Headquarters Offices (Washington, DC)
click on the links below for more information
Division of Administration
Ethics Office
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity
Office of the Executive Secretary
Special Counsel & Labor Relations
Division of Administration
The Division of Administration (DofA) serves as the Agency’s hub for mission-critical support services and customer-service oriented activities. The Administration is responsible for the overall planning, direction, and coordination of all major administrative management functions for the agency. As the Agency’s lead organization for providing critical support services, DofA is unique in its role in as serving clients (employees) throughout the agency on a routine basis. The Division is comprised of six (6) separate organizations: Office of the Director (OD), Facilities & Property Branch (FPB), Human Capital Planning Office (HCPO), Office of Employee Development (OED), Office of Human Resources (OHR), and Security Branch. Each office or branch provides baseline functions that help to move the agency towards the completion of core missions, values, and goals. The Division of Administration also provides critical agency infrastructure support for an array of support services including, but not limited to, the hiring process, assignments, promotions, benefits, employee viewpoint surveys, human capital management, training, equipment and supplies, fleet management, safety, and security and several other operational areas.
For additional information, click here.
Ethics Office
The Ethics Office is responsible for administering the Agency’s legal and government ethics programs to ensure that all employees comply with ethics rules and requirements. We are committed to helping Agency employees avoid violations by providing training documents and programs and by preparing individual ethics guidance in response to employees’ inquiries. Our written ethics guidance carries legal weight for employees, and we are an important resource in helping maintain the Agency’s ethical culture and promoting the public’s trust.
For additional information, click here.
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
The mission of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) is to lead the National Labor Relations Board's (NLRB) financial management services with integrity and accountability. The OCFO provides expert planning and financial advice on budget, finance, acquisition management, internal controls, and travel.
The primary purpose of the OCFO is to assure the effective management and financial integrity of the NLRB programs, activities, and resources. Assurance is achieved by developing, implementing, and monitoring Agency-wide policies and systems in the areas of budget administration, program analysis and evaluation, finance, NLRB financial systems, acquisitions, and internal controls.
For additional information, click here.
Office of the Chief Information Officer
The mission of the Office of the Chief Information Officer is to establish and provide: assistance and guidance on the use of technology-supported business process reengineering; investment analysis; performance measurement; strategic development and application of information systems and infrastructure; policies to provide improved management of information resources and technology; and better, more efficient service to our clients and employees.
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity
The Office of Equal Employment Opportunity (OEEO) carries out the Agency’s EEO mission to protect rights for all Agency employees under Title VII, the Equal Pay Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. OEEO leads efforts to make the Agency a model federal EEO employer by focusing the Agency on continuous self-assessment to identify and eliminate barriers to equal employment opportunity at the NLRB.
For additional information, click here.
Office of the Executive Secretary
The functions and responsibilities of the Office of the Executive Secretary (OES) are similar to those of a Clerk of the Court. OES receives and dockets all formal documents filed with the Board and issues and serves on the parties to cases all Board decisions, orders, rulings and other case documents. OES is the exclusive point of contact for communications by the parties to cases pending before the Board and, particularly with regard to questions or guidance sought on Board procedure and case status inquiries, is the principal point of contact for employers, unions, employees, Congressional offices, other Federal agencies, and the public. OES, in its role of facilitating case issuance, ensures that documents filed and those issued are included in the electronic case file, and monitors the progress of cases throughout the case handling process. OES also tracks overall Board case production.
For additional information, click here.
The Solicitor is the Chief Legal Advisor to the full five-member Board and serves as its in-house counsel.
The Office of the Solicitor provides legal advice to the Board on a wide range of matters, including the Board’s organization and authority under the NLRA, the Administrative Procedure Act, the Sunshine Act, and other government-wide legal and policy matters. The Office of the Solicitor acts as a liaison between the Board and the Office of the General Counsel, providing written recommendations to the Board regarding the General Counsel’s requests to initiate litigation in the Supreme Court, the courts of appeals, and the federal district courts. The Solicitor’s Office also screens cases for Board consideration in unfair labor practice case matters that require expedited consideration, such as requests for permission to special appeal, petitions to revoke investigative subpoenas, and motions for default and summary judgment. The Office is comprised of six senior attorneys – the Solicitor, a Deputy Solicitor, four Assistant Solicitors – and the Office Manager.
Special Counsel & Labor Relations
The Special Counsel and Labor Relations branch is concerned with (1) providing advice to the Agency concerning employment matters and representing the Agency in formal proceedings instituted under various statutes, executive orders, Agency management-employee contracts, OPM regulations and similar authorities relating to equal employment opportunity, labor-management relations, employee grievances, and adverse action, and (2) providing advice to the Agency concerning procurement and contract administration matters and representing the Agency concerning tort claims and claims against the Agency and procurement and contract administration matters filed administratively with NLRB and with other agencies such as the General Accounting Office (GAO), Comptroller General: General Services Administration (GSA), Small Business Administration, the Federal Courts and through the various appellate levels to conclusion.